General Well-being

In a ground breaking article about soy titled “The Ploy of Soy,” Sally Fallon and Mary G Enig, Ph.D., of the Weston A. Price Foundation put the nutritional realities of soy consumption into perspective – a perspective you won’t find anywhere in the main- stream. Soy is one of the most harvested crops in the world, meaning the likelihood of soy containing GMOs is extremely high. Here are a few of the key points they make:

  • Soybeans contain “anti-nutrients” that inhibit enzymes needed for protein digestion and amino acid uptake into the blood stream 

  • Soybeans contain hemagglutinin, a substance that promotes the clotting of red blood cells 

  • Soybean hemagglutinin and enzyme inhibitors are deactivated during the fermentation process which makes soy acceptable 

  • Enzyme inhibitors are reduced in bean curd and tofu, but not completely eliminated 

  • Soybeans are high in phytic acid; an organic acid that impedes the absorption of four key minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc 

  • The phytic acid content of soy- beans can only be reduced by a long fermentation period 

  • When vegetarians substitute dairy products and meat with bean curd and tofu, they may risk mineral deficiencies 

  • Fermented soy products – such as miso and tempeh – provide nutrients that are easily absorbed 

  • For men, Soy also reduces testosterone as the phytoestrogen properties

Soy intake may also increase kidney stone risk. A 2001 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed how soybeans, tofu, and commercially processed soy products – especially textured soy protein – contain extremely high levels of oxalate, a compound that binds with calcium in the kidneys, increasing the risk of kidney stone development.

In addition, the phytoestrogen effects of soy may reduce testosterone in men and increase the risk of prostate cancer.

It is for these many health concerns that we have sourced 100% certified Non-GMO sunflower seed lecithin for all of our liposomal formulas.  Most other liposomal formulas on the market utilize soy lecithin.

Bottom Line: Soy is not health food.


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