Curcumin (found in a concentrated form as curcuminoids in Relevit – our all-natural anti-inflammatory formula) is one of the most amazing herbs in assisting... continue reading
Thankfully many of our Let’s Talk Health members are heeding the call and adding sufficient amounts of Dense Bone – our proprietary vitamin D3 formula –... continue reading
Despite what traditional medicine has preached for years, emerging science has removed all doubt that regular, unfiltered sunlight exposure, which helps... continue reading
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with muscle weakness, increased fall risk, and bone fractures. 26% of the distal radius fracture patients were vitamin D... continue reading
Inflammation is now recognized as an overwhelming burden to the healthcare status of our population and the underlying basis of a significant number of... continue reading
According to the Journal of Arthritis & Rheumatism, the health of your joint cartilage is improved with vibratory motion. Vibrations allow the hyaluronic... continue reading