
We don’t like to talk about it, but if you are over 40, your prostate gland is probably talking to you – and you need to listen.

That’s because your prostate can prevent you from living life to its fullest by the time you hit your middle years.

Even if you are past your middle years, it’s never too late to support your prostate health to benefit you in many ways – Including normal urinary function and PSA level maintenance.

Fifty percent of males over 50 years of age suffer from one degree or another of prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a benign condition that occurs when the prostate swells and pinches the urethra, which drains the bladder.

One in six men in the US will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, making it the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men after skin cancer. Over 238,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed this year and almost 30,000 men will die of prostate cancer in the US alone.

To maximize the health of your prostate, it is important to take a premium prostate formula that is designed specifically to enhance your prostate health and optimal urinary function – your aging (and enlarging) prostate has unique nutritional needs.

Prosta-Plex Plus (90 softgels)

Clinical Strength Potencies of Saw Palmetto, Beta-Sitosterol & Lycopene + 11 More Targeted Prostate Supportive Nutrients

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We have had a good formula for years, but science marches on and discovers more and more about specific nutrients and potencies to better target the health of your prostate.

As a result, we researched and sourced the most cutting-edge ingredients in amounts specifically cited in clinical studies to formulate our NEW Clinical Strength Prosta-Plex Plus.

Based on our decades of experience in the industry and in consultation with our founder and formulator of the original Prosta-Plex, we hand-picked specific prostate nutrients – in amounts clinically tested for success – and combined them into a single, highly absorbable gel capsule to maximize your prostate health.

The New Clinical Strength Prosta-Plex Plus is a proprietary formula and is our most advanced, all-natural prostate health formula ever with TWICE the amount of saw palmetto extract than our previous formula, PLUS lycopene and beta- sitosterol – both NEW additions to this powerful new formula – in potencies that are comparable to those that have been used in clinical trials.

Our NEW Clinical Strength Prosta-Plex Plus still provides additional nutritional support from ingredients in the former formula with DOUBLE the amount of Turmeric Extract – Concentrated to 95%, Zinc, Selenium, as well as vitamin D-3, which are known to play important roles in optimal prostate function.

We have also ADDED 7 NEW plant-based nutrients chosen specifically for their ability to support a healthy prostate. They include Quercetin, a full gram of Pumpkin Seed Oil, LinumLife® Complex – a proprietary concentrated form of Flax Seed, Stinging Nettle Root Extract, Green Tea Extract, Pomegranate Extract and Stinging Nettle Root Extract. Do your own research to discover the many benefits of these additional nutrients for your prostate.

In addition, this powerful, new clinical strength prostate formula  only requires only 3 easy to swallow gel capsules per day (as opposed to 6 in the old formula!) and it is safe to increase your dosage depending on your personal situation and in consultation with your healthcare practitioner.

What is the prostate?

bigstock-Medical-X-Ray-Scan--Prostate-47708338The prostate is a gland forming part of the male reproductive system. In younger men the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It is located immediately below the bladder and just in front of the bowel. Its main function is to produce fluid that protects and enriches sperm. It is doughnut shaped as it surrounds the beginning of the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen out through the penis. The nerves that control erections surround the prostate.

Prostate cancer occurs when cells of the prostate reproduce much more rapidly than normal, causing a tumor. If left untreated, the cancer cells may eventually break out of the prostate and invade distant parts of the body, producing additional tumors usually in the bones and lymph nodes. Once the cancer escapes the prostate, treatment is still possible but is more difficult to treat.

One of the most worrying aspects of the disease is that most prostate cancers develop without men experiencing any symptoms.

While the majority of prostate cancers have no symptoms, advanced disease that has spread throughout the prostate (and beyond) can cause urinary symptoms such as:

  • Slow Flow: Urine flow is slow and difficult to stop
  • Hesitancy: Difficulty starting flow of urine
  • Frequency: Need to urinate more frequently
  • Nocturia: Need to urinate during the night
  • Urgency: Urgent need to urinate

Prostate Cancer Prevention

For many years, certain herbs and nutrients have been used, either alone or in combination, to relieve or prevent BPH. Prosta-Plex Plus is a proprietary formula based on the very latest research and testing. Of the numerous all-natural ingredients in the NEW Clinical Strength Prosta-Plex Plus one you have heard much about is Saw Palmetto.  Clinical studies show its importance, but many Saw Palmetto products do not contain enough of this important nutrient.

All throughout Europe, many prescription and over-the-counter remedies for prostate and urination problems contain saw palmetto extract, and in Germany, saw palmetto extract is an approved drug.

Why? Because saw palmetto extract has been shown to be up to 88% effective in helping to provide urinary and prostate relief in men.

Maybe you have tried other formulas that just didn’t work for you. Don’t let your aging prostate keep you from enjoying your best life – Experience the freedom of our NEW Clinical Strength Prosta-Plex Plus today! You and your prostate will be glad you did.

“Your Prosta-Plex Plus has helped me in many ways. I used to wake 4 times a night to use the restroom. After 3 weeks on this product I could sleep through the night and also play golf without stopping at every restroom. – William from Georgia.

Additional tips…

  • Drink more coffee. Researchers at Harvard found that men who drank six or more cups of coffee (caffeinated and decaf) were nearly 60% less likely to develop advanced prostate cancer than those who did not.
     According to Men’s Health, staying in shape reduces your risk of fatal forms of prostate cancer by 41%. Additionally, among survivors, those who exercised vigorously (running, swimming, biking or tennis) for 5 hours a week had a 56% lower risk of death from the disease.
  • Take Antarctic Krill oil. In studies on lab animals, the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA in Antarctic Krill Oil prevented tumors. Additionally, Harvard researchers found that men who ate fish three times a week reduced their risk of aggressive prostate cancer by 25%.
  • Avoid trans fats.  Men with the highest blood levels of trans fats have more than twice the prostate-cancer risk of men with the lowest levels. Trans-fatty acids increase inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which may play a role in prostate cancer. Avoid commercially baked doughnuts and cookies, as well as packaged baked goods containing hydrogenated oil. Luckily, the FDA is looking to take these off the market soon. Let’s hope this happens sooner than later.
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