You drop an organic mango chip on the floor. Does the 5-second rule apply, or do you quickly throw it away? Or could those germs actually be good for us? Well,... continue reading
In a study that upends decades of medical advice, Australian scientists have found that taking an aspirin a day does not reduce older people’s risk of heart... continue reading
Did you know that more than 67% of the world’s population has some kind of periodontal disease that often leads to serious systemic chronic conditions... continue reading
Curcumin has long been known to provide potent anti-cancer benefits. Over 2,000 published studies have shown curcumin combats cancers of the breast, prostate,... continue reading
In a ground breaking article about soy titled “The Ploy of Soy,” Sally Fallon and Mary G Enig, Ph.D., of the Weston A. Price Foundation put the nutritional... continue reading
Health experts have long warned people away from full-fat dairy products because they contain high levels of saturated fat, which is thought to raise levels of... continue reading
Be it work, finances, relationships, or health issues, most of us experience stressful events at some point in our lives. But today, researchers are witnessing... continue reading
Consuming too much sugar can increase people’s risk for heart disease- even if they’re otherwise healthy, new research reveals. Scientists asked 11... continue reading
With ever-increasing amounts of coffee and “energy” drinks containing caffeine being consumed, it might be important to know why this stimulant works.... continue reading
When you find yourself struggling to concentrate on something, try having a glass of water. That’s the conclusion of a new, detailed analysis of more than 30... continue reading