For centuries, scientists grappled with a perplexing question: Why does the flu tend to strike hardest during the winter months? The common belief attributed... continue reading
30 million Americans take medication to treat depression, but for most people, antidepressants serve mostly as a placebo, scientists now say. Antidepressants... continue reading
You’ve heard much from us over the years about Relevit, our amazing best-selling formula that assists in reducing everyday and sports related pain and... continue reading
New diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease cases continue to mount at an unprecedented rate, threatening both the lives of those suffering from this dreaded... continue reading
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in older people, according to the most robust... continue reading
The large volume of research regarding vitamin D continues to grow. Despite the overwhelming emerging science that has brought Vitamin D (specifically vitamin... continue reading
We know that vitamin D is essential in supporting the body nutritionally in a variety of areas including immunity, bone health, brain function, depression and... continue reading
This is only a small slice of the vaccine issue, but it is a dramatic finding. We know public health officials would never discourage people from getting flu... continue reading
Thankfully many of our Let’s Talk Health members are heeding the call and adding sufficient amounts of Dense Bone – our proprietary vitamin D3 formula –... continue reading
Despite what traditional medicine has preached for years, emerging science has removed all doubt that regular, unfiltered sunlight exposure, which helps... continue reading