Health Benefits of Vitamin C Vitamin C, it’s everywhere. Daily vitamins, cold remedies, and orange juice are all full of this ingredient – but is... continue reading
Liposomal Vitamin C , renowned for its antioxidant properties, plays a pivotal role in maintaining lung health and enhancing respiratory function. Its impact... continue reading
Rigorous exercise may do more than protect the heart, trim the waistline, and keep bones strong. New research suggests strenuous physical activity can slow... continue reading
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attacks and strokes, are the number one disease killer... continue reading
A new government study has found that about 80 percent of Americans aren’t getting nearly enough exercise, potentially setting themselves up for health... continue reading
The connection between physical activity and brain health is getting stronger. New research shows that using your legs in weight-bearing exercise is critical... continue reading
Playing cards, reading books, and engaging in other mentally stimulating activities can help ward off dementia later in life, new research suggests. Scientists... continue reading
To remain healthy, doctors say, you have to eat well, exercise regularly, avoid smoking, and keep body fat in check. But new research shows that only 2.7... continue reading
After people turn 40, their brain shrinks by about 5 percent every 10 years. But new research suggests aerobic exercise could have a protective effect, slowing... continue reading
Exercise dramatically slows the aging process, helping people look and feel decades younger, new research suggests. British scientists compared a group of 125... continue reading