Most people take Vitamin C to fend off a cold, but new research suggests it could also be a possible weapon in the fight against cancer. A team of researchers... continue reading
People suffering from bronchitis, flu, and other ailments often leave their doctor’s office with a prescription for antibiotics— even though in many cases... continue reading
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attacks and strokes, are the number one disease killer... continue reading
Philosophers have long pondered the mysteries of heart and mind. Now scientists are working to unravel the flesh-and-blood linkage between the cardiovascular... continue reading
Suffering from migraines could be a portent of serious heart problems, a major new study suggest. Using the Danish National Patient Registry, researchers... continue reading
Beware! Taking Nexium or Prilosec for your gastroesophageal reflux may lead to bone density loss and increased incidence of bone fractures. The study was... continue reading
Treatment based on resveratrol could be a safer alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women and could help prevent breast cancer,... continue reading
Evidence is mounting that common pain killers such as ibuprofen and naproxen may be tied to greater risk for heart problems, reports The Independent (U.K.).... continue reading
Known as the ‘golden spice’ of India, turmeric could just be one of the most effective and powerful nutritional supplements on the planet. There are... continue reading
More Doctors And Researchers Speak Out About the Cholesterol Myth A recent conference entitled “Heart Disease in the 21st Century: Beyond the Lipid... continue reading