Whether it is Red Bull, RockStar, Monster, or Full Throttle, it seems so-called “energy drinks” are all the craze. Unfortunately, most people don’t... continue reading
Metabolism is a process used by the body for a number of benefits, such as boosting energy, breaking down fat and breaking down unhealthy chemicals in the... continue reading
According to the latest data collected by the National Center for Health statistics, poisoning, primarily by prescription drugs, has now surpassed car... continue reading
Vitamin A In the case of vitamin A, recent research is proving that you really can get too much of a good thing. Found in eggs, full-fat dairy, liver, and... continue reading
When we are born, we are blessed with approximately 305 bones. As we grow and develop, many of these bones fuse together to become our basic skeleton. By the... continue reading
What’s your favorite “comfort food”? You know you have one — a treat you use to soothe bruised feelings following some distressing event.... continue reading
Can you lose weight with a diet that places no restrictions on your fat intake? Those who swear by the Atkins plan and other low-carbohydrate regimes have long... continue reading
People looking to lose weight know the dangers of a diet high in carbohydrates. If you’re looking to transform your body, then protein is perhaps the... continue reading
People living in tropical Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America know that eating tamarind means eating healthy. The tamarind casually consumed in these regions... continue reading
Anchovies may be an acquired taste, but there are many reasons to eat these small fish. They usually come canned and/or smoked and are commonly used on pizza,... continue reading